The Captain of My Ship

God is, you are NotCaptain of my ship

                We go through life with choices.  Who do I hang out with?  What do I wear?  What church do I go to?  What career do I seek after?  Who do I marry?  What sport do I play?  Where do I live?  What do I do in my spare time?  The list of choices is like a deep dark well of indecision.

We are an intelligent race capable of doing the impossible by the world’s standards.  Some humans are so smart it is inconceivable to the layman but as smart as the most intelligent person could ever be or achieve, they can’t figure out the mysteries of God.

Never has any human breathed life into someone or something that previously did not have life.  Never has someone just gone to heaven or hell without the permission from God.  No one, even in their most genius minds has been able to figure out how to get into heaven without God’s permission.  There are those things that only God in His infinite wisdom can do which makes even the brightest seem dim in comparison.

1st Corinthians 3:19  “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. “

We try and figure out how not to sin.  CAN’T DO IT!  We try and figure out how to not fight or argue with our spouse, CAN’T DO IT!  We try and get our children to be obedient, CAN’T DO IT!  We try and act more Christ-like, CAN’T DO IT!  There are so many “we tried” that maybe we should try and not try and do it anymore without the help of our wonderful Savior. The Bible says in:

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

God has sent His Son to this earth to save us from our sins, to lead us and guide us.  He is our Captain, who will steer our ship into calm, still waters.

You see we live on this broken and shattered earth where Satan is allowed to roam and seek who he wishes to destroy.  It says in:

2 Corinthians 4:4  Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

Let me explain it like this, there are many kinds of boats as well as components on a boat that will help us navigate through the waters of life, if we attempt life’s waters without a captain, without a navigation system or without a rudder we could be on an endless journey seeking contentment, joy, peace and we…will not find it.  Imagine taking a wooden raft into the ocean and trying to get out across the waves, well you would most likely be capsized and your raft would be ruined.  This is the example of the lost, the person who doesn’t believe in God, they seemingly will be always fighting the current always getting smashed by the waves, never getting anywhere.  This is because Satan has them, he knows if you’re on that rickety raft with no captain, navigation or rudder that you aren’t going anywhere.  He has you right where he wants you and that is separated from God.

Now imagine you’re in a canoe.  You will have a better chance because you have a paddle, although at times you will be able to be pushed back, sometimes swayed and at times turned over there will be a lot of battles and it may be difficult.  This is a representation of the new believer.  Satan will come at you and sometimes he can push you back, sometimes steer you in the wrong direction, and maybe get you to turn back.

Then there is the Navy Battleship, this ship is made of steel plate, has a multitude of people, with a captain and a crew, it glides right through the waves, crashing and smashing anything in its path.  It has a state of the art navigation system, powerful rudders, powerful engines and its armed with many weapons able to protect itself from enemy attack.  This is a representation of a seasoned Christian who realizes the need for Jesus to be the captain of your ship and for the Holy Spirit to be your rudder.  He will navigate you through the murky, stormy waters, and lead you to the calm.  He will always get you through and when the devil sees this ship coming, oh man he turns and runs!  Because he knows that this ship is armored up and can defeat any shots the devil may take.  This is the ship you need to be on!  This is the ship that when trouble arises when there are rough storms when there are storms with crashing waves.  This ship is the one that glides through unscathed because Jesus promises us in His Word in:

Isaiah 54:17 “That no weapon formed against me shall prosper.”

He also says in Psalm 119:105  “Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet, and a light to my path.”  And in Psalm 32:8 The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

Matthew 6:33 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

So you see with keeping Jesus as the Captain of our ship, we are assured to successfully be navigated through these dry and weary lands.

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